Ogólny      2021-03-31 00:00:00

Konkurs z języka angielskiego

29.03 na lekcji języka angielskiego w klasie 3a omawialiśmy PREPOSITIONS, czyli przyimki występujące przed rzeczownikami lub jako część danego wyrażenia np. according to, a największą uwagę skupiliśmy na out of, under, against, wth oraz to.
 Posługiwanie się przyimkami w sposób prawidłowy świadczy o poziomie języka oraz sprawia, że brzmimy bardziej naturalnie.
 Aby urozmaicić czasami żmudną naukę prepositions, przeprowadziłam konkurs polegający na napisaniu krótkich historyjek w języku angielskim w parach na lekcji online uwzględniając następujące wytyczne:
Make a criminal story starting with the phrase: Not long time I witnessed a weird situation in which a man was shouting at his wife in the street…
- criminal story
- interesting
- Make yourself a part of the story
W jury konkursowym zasiadła anglistka p. M.Przybył, która gościła na naszej lekcji i służyła pomocnymi radami podczas oceniania prac. Biorąc pod uwagę zgodność z tematem, spójność, wykorzystanie podanych prepositions oraz poprawność gramatyczną wspólnie wybrałyśmy 3 najlepsze historie, które przedstawiam poniżej:
1 miejsce – Weronika Szymańska, Kinga Krymarys
Recently, I witnessed a strange situation where a man shouted at his wife in the street. I went to this woman to help her. Unfortunately, her husband was out of control and started shouting and threatening me. I quickly got into the car and ran away with this woman. In the car, she showed me the bruises and said she was a victim of domestic violence. We went to the police because it is against the law. To my surprise, this woman wanted to report the matter to the police and asked for my testimony. When the man was under arrest, the woman breathed a sigh of relief.
2 miejsce- Natalia Wawrzynowska, Zuzanna Gomolińska
Not long time I witnessed a weird situation in which a man was shouting at his wife in the street. I immediately ran up to them when he started beating her. Then, I unleashed a dog and things got out of control. To my surprise, the dog bit the man on the thigh and it started to bleed. He turned out to be the leader of the drug mafia. The man, against the law, pulled out his gun. Fortunately, the man started walking backwards towards the road to escape. However, there was an incident during the escape . A car driving on the road ran into the man and I approached the lying criminal immediately and wanted to save him. I pulled the gun out of his hand. I noticed that the woman had pulled out his wallet and started running away with it. The police arrived when the man was already dead. It turned out that I was in huge trouble. my fingerprints were found on the gun. I met a group of people who kidnapped me under arrest. The police couldn't catch up with us. It turned out that the policemen were his mafia mates who wanted to kill me. Luckily, I knew karate and beat them.
3 miejsce- Karolina Gorszka, Oliwia Dziembowska
Not long time I witnessed a weird situation one man was shouting a lot at his wife. I was very scared that he would do something bad to her, to my surprise, I gathered courage and decided to intervene in their quarrel because I was afraid for this woman. It turned out that the man's wife had destroyed her husband's new car and run into a man who was taken unconscious to the hospital. The man was afraid for his wife, so he wanted to lie to the police and say that he had hit the man and asked me to testify that he had, but I did not agree, so he started to jerk me, luckily, the police came and witnessed the whole situation and took the married couple to the police car.
 Dziękuję wszystkim uczniom za zaangażowanie w pisanie historii (ocena bardzo dobra za aktywność to była nagroda), pani M. Przybył za bycie dobrym duchem lekcji, pomoc w ocenianiu prac konkursowych i cenne wskazówki.

Opracowanie: Szkolny zespół redakcyjny

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